Friday, 31 May 2013

Industrial shelving boosts up manufacturing concerns

When we talk about industrialization it’s all about mechanization. Certainly it is these tools that boost up industrial management. Industrial management is now a great subject that supports quality assurance as well. Now focus is only on how to maintain product safety, goods are manufactured on large scale so its take time to be sold, so here is a problem how to safe things for a long time period, this thing give rise to industrial shelving, now the goods can be kept and preserve for a long period of time without any fear of damage. So that management can easily place the things into warehouse.

Industrial racking increase storage capacity:
Most of the goods manufactured are in bulk form so the Industrial racking where products are placed, are not like normal shelving which we used at home as well as used at commercial spots. These shelves are used to keep units in stock and for the quick ship locations nationwide so easily placed in warehouse. Moreover on industrial shelves you can afford extra storage because these are made of solid mettles. The shelves used in industry for storage are strong, solid, and simple in design and shape and available in simple colors.

Benefits of industrial shelving’s:

Industrial racking is one of the best storage equipment that the industry ever experienced. Most of the industrial shelving consists of palette racks, storage cabinets and work bench. Well, for those who believe in complete storage systems, nothing could satisfy more than these shelving, as it does not cover the overall space, it requires only minimum space and you can store tons of goods in just single industrial shelving. There are so many industrial shelving available in custom design and standards in market and we can have big or small according to our planning and designing needs. It is the best tool for moving the manufactured goods from one unit to another in the manufacturing unit. To enhance the storage capacity of your warehouse, you can find the Warehouse racking of your own choice, if you are intended to increase the storage capacity or having less space, then exploit this storage trait and get the maximum benefit out of it.

Industrial shelves have removed all dangers faced by manufacturing concern:

Undoubtedly, industrial shelves have made the manufacturing units independent in storage. Now with product management they can store their things for a long period of time, no breakage no damage, only the safety of manufactured goods is assured. It is not only beneficial of manufacturing unit but also cost -effective for employers; this is how it becomes possible to produce goods on large scale. There is more supply equal to demand, now there is no fear of recession, industries now on secure position, they can stable for a long time. industries will never face the recession of 1930’s it is assured, and it is only possible due to the rise of warehouse racking which strengthen the product storage process. Industrial shelving has bring out the manufacturing industry from the chaos of being disturbed due to the decrease in supply and increase in demand, it is now the thing of old day, thanks to the modern technology which has made it the anecdote of old days. So that’s why manufacturing concern are secure and there is no recession our generation will face as it happens in the past.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

From go-down to warehouses

Those were the days when people store the products in go-down with no special arrangements to keep things safe. These go-down was built of straw and husk mixed with soil, to keep the perishable things safe for a long time. If we look at the history of warehouse, the first warehouse was built in the age of Alexander the Great; he has built the warehouse to secure the artifacts he has collected from his expeditions around the world. So this was the short earlier history when life is not so much complicated, while the demand and supply is not at boom.

The solution of storage is industrial shelving

 Industrial revolution came in the seventieth century, when supply of the product increased with the increase in demand. The big problem in large scale production is only one, how to arrange the things and how to preserve the things, the manufactured products cannot be placed only on the floor, so the need is the mother of the invention. It was the time when product management is developed in industrial environment so the Industrial Shelving is designed keeping in mind the industrial needs. The shelving is made of steel that can bear the weight of industrial goods. The main objective of designing these shelves is to transfer the things from one corner to another easily. These shelves are reliable as it is made of quality material.

Benefits of industrial shelves
The Industrial racking has made it possible to manage large scale production in a proper manner. Here is no fear of any damage of the product when the products are assorted in industrial racking. It’s only because of this storage facility that the large industrial concern can manufacture the products on large scale and keep it in stock for a long time. If I say that warehouse is the need of large industrial concern it’s not at all wrong. Industry is now flourishing and surviving only for one reason because it has dealt with product storage issues. So we can see big warehouse of market biggies. Product assortment is manged by store keepers as well as machinery is used to place the product on third or fourth storey of industrial shelves. Things can easily be moved and transferred from one place to another. Thus these shelves have given the facility of portability and mobility of the products in and out of the factory. These warehouse shelving has changed the entire system of storage.

Warehouse and the threat of hoarding

Many people do not consider that warehouse shelving is important, I agree with them. Industrial shelvesare important only for the large concern which can maintain large warehouses with its large scale production. Well, with the increase in demand I suppose industrial shelving is necessary for large, medium and small manufacturing unit. It has advantages and no disadvantages. Things are kept safe for a long time no damage is occurred. Moreover if proper environment is provided things will never get perished. So the stock of the things always gets ready to be released in the market. Industrial shelving is necessary to deal with the demand of the good. The allegations that are charged to challenge the importance of the warehouse like hoarding are not inseparable fact. But it happens only in that society where class discrimination is on the top or we can say in capitalist system.

Friday, 24 May 2013

The Driving force behind the store designing

Keeping in mind modern standards, the store designing has become evasive. With bulk of ideas and the austerity are the factors that work like game changer. Store designing is very appealing to the senses of the common man. The austerities which these emblems of advancement depict are the combination of modern tools and fixtures like, modern lighting and metal Storage racks. The idea that is working behind the development of store designing is only to raise the standard of living and let the common people feel like they are special too. Moreover, retail designing is also inspiring for the people to become more brand conscious, thus making driving people towards the new marketing trends.

Store designing vs. modern standard of living

Here is driving force that is working to increase the store turnover. Thus making people familiar with the latest trends so that they can decide what is more beneficial for them. So store design is only to start a brand competition as we can see the battle of brands when we step in to the store and all the arrangements done to decorate the store is only to present the brands and metal shelving is the essential part of this store designing. So if a store is more inclined towards, window display or visual merchandising, it only means to introduce the brands before the people. We can observe brand marketing campaign when we entered into the store. Surely, this is the work of visual merchandising and brand marketing team that plans how to inspire the people by stimulating their all five senses.

Product arrangement appeals to the customers

First step that is considered in store designing is product assortment, the idea of making the product visible before the customers. Not only this, but the main objective is, to present the items in such a way that it quickly grab the attention of the customers, and this objective can only be achieved if proper lighting arrangement is done. In lighting, the lighting arrangement should be of different colors so that it could properly reflect the targeted product. Moreover lighting should have a soothing effect on the people; if the products have a dark color the light should be of suck kind that it illuminates the entire feature of the product. Thus making thing visible means to facilitate the shoppers so that they can easily select the item form the storage racks.

Store strategy for all brands
This is the strategy of store designing that is focused to present all the brands with same value and worth. That’s why at store, every brand is valuable and people would love to buy things that are placed on Supermarket shelving and refrigeration. The cool and calm environment is another key factor that strikes to the senses of the shoppers so that they can get the best. Certainly this is the environment that changes the mood of the customer and turn him into a buyer by conceiving his sensual behavior, visual merchandisers has made modern day shopping an art. Majority of the people that visits mega stores only to sooth themselves, because they find everything there. Here are world’s renowned brands along with the things that are in daily use kept with great care, under the umbrella of cool lighting and soothing environment truly reflects the need of modern man who needs only calm and comfort while shopping.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The Do’s of store designing

If we talk about the do’s while designing the store, then there are involved so many factors that determines the store design not the only one. Designing of store is just like designing of a complex structure. Now a day mega structures that are the source of attraction of the visitors who are known as customers are those which are well-managed, well- decorated and more compact. What we can expect while visiting store is, lighting, storage shelves, mannequins, visual merchandising, and the smooth flow of the customers by providing a good walk-in space.

Product placement:
Now a day focus is on capacity, how many things can be stored in industrial shelves of the store? Storage maximization is the key concept that has given uplift to metal storage racks designing. These super cool storage racks not only can provide space to so many brands and products. But the arrangement of the product is done in such a way that it also enhances the visibility of the products. The products are placed in a manner that it quickly catches the eye of the customers. Product arrangement is the main technique that converts a store into a super store. So product placement can attract or repel the customers. While designing the store layout product placement factor should not be missing out.

Smooth flow:
The next factor that is important in store designing is the smooth flow of customers. A store should be design in such a way that the customers can walk here and there easily. Once a customer with shopping trolley has stepped in he should not face any difficulty in dragging his shopping trolley. The walk-ins should be wide enough that a definite crowd of customers can easily walk and can access the products. If the passageways of the store are not wide open then it does not give a good feeling to the customers. So make sure while designing store layout that you are make sure that customer flow will not be disturb in anyway.

Product visibility:
While designing a retail store, here are thousands of products that need customer’s attention. So presenting every product before the customer is a million dollar technique and here comes the expertise of store designing. Designer and retailers always focus how they can make products more visible before the customers. So product visibility is the key factor that can increase the turnover of the store. To make different brands visible, a store must have the arrangement of proper lighting. There must be light points above the metal storage shelves so that things could be seen by everyone. Proper light arrangement can enhance the user experience and can change their mood to do some shopping. Certainly it is lighting with different colors that can appeal to the sense of the customers.
In the due course visual merchandising is another technique that can work at its best to increase the sales of the store. The same function is done by mannequin that is placed out of the store or inside the store for brand recognition and to boost up the product visibility. Meanwhile the staff should be very cordial and should be well aware of the best selling practice. By following the do’s while designing the store makes sure you are assessing the heights of the success.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Retail store for kids

We have seen in the couple of decades that retail store business is reaching on its heights. Retail industry is expanding in different dimensions. Here are so many ongoing retail businesses and one of them is kid’s retail business that is on its peak in U.A.E and in the Middle East. The diversity in consumer behavior and buying pattern has changed dramatically. Retailing is not only limited to big cities but it’s popular in the outskirts of U.A.E as well. Retail business is thriving in different formats like departmental stores, hypermarkets, malls, gaming zones, and supermarkets, in each format of retail business people just love to shop. In this way retail business has a huge share in the annual growth of a country like U.A.E. Thus here are wonderful chances of growth in retail business and more likely in specialized retail.

Understanding kids mindset:

If we talk about specialized retail, here comes the idea of retail store for kids. A store full of kid’s related accessories is more interesting than a general store. Kids are always a source of constant pleasure. The things related to them are always a source of attraction not only for the parents but also for the young ones who love these innocent creatures. Kid’s retailing is very popular in U.A.E. Imagine a retail store and its steel shelving filled with toys, sportswear, watches and stationary for kids. Kids wear decorated at mannequins with colorful clothes is enough to catch the attention of a spectator. According to a survey retail stores dealing in baby products are making great profits. Retailers are more interested to have a brief understanding about the needs of the kids instead of their parents. However, here is a huge variety of kid’s brands in the stores.

Retail is all about the interest of the buyers:

Retail store is covering kid’s products ranges from 1 to 12years. In retail store for kid’s various departments can be categorized according to the age group. For instance, sales of garments of the infants between the ages of 0-2 years can be displayed in front display shelving. Children and their parents are taking more interest in designer’s wear. They are more conscious about brands and international brands like angels, baby shop and mother care have just hit the market and making the business of billions in U.A.E. it is estimated that parents are spending $1billion yearly for children designer wear clothing and footwear. It is strongly desired by the parents that their children dress well and look graceful. Specialized retail segment caters all the needs of the each age group of the children. Retailers at emirates has the idea about the needs of children, it is the urge of getting higher that invites each international brand to hit the emirates market.

Future planning:
retailers have realized the spending trends and the purchasing power of the consumer and now retailer at U.A.E plan to open 50-60 children store in the GCC in the next coming years as the initiative taken by Liwa Trading Enterprises, an Abu Dhabi retailer. Children are getting more brands conscious and they have the strong desire to set their wardrobes for every occasion. However the main business is started from the age between 0-4 year’s kids because these small and colorful dresses add worth to the Storage racks of the super stores.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Redesigning a retail store a big shift

If someone thinks that store designing is just like home décor I state my disagreement. For people this is the sign of raising their lifestyle. Retail business has given boost to the lifestyle stores. This is called rebranding activities. The main purpose of rebranding is to increase sales. In Dubai and Sharjha retail sales jumped to 13.2 percent last year. In Sharjha retail business is on its peak. The rebranding has scaled up their sales to such an extent that it has given boos to lifestyle stores.

Dubai's retail offering totally 26 million sq ft as of the end of 2010 and is expected to increase to 31.3 million sq ft in 2013. This is a huge turnover any country can expect from the business of retailing. Available retail space per person is significantly higher than most global cities at 15 sq ft/person, compared to 11.3 in USA and 2.7 across European countries. So here is every opportunity to give a rise to retail business. The question is how these mega stores are contributing such a huge share in a country’s economy. This is quite simple; retailing is on its peek because some factors are working behind it like mannequin and display shelving.

Redesigning of store, a phase of evolution

Without industrial shelves a store cannot be revamped, if product assortment is not done properly to catch the attention of the consumer become very difficult. Product visibility can only be done if the store designing allows much space for product keeping. So that product can place properly thus enhancing product visibility. Proper light arrangement ensures product visibility so glass lighting and luminaries can prove vital in this regard.

Effects of redesigning retail store
Revamping of store is a good idea, event management can also add worth to the annual turnover of a retail store. Event festivity not only compels the consumer to shop but also give a good feeling to the audience and the spectators. Visual merchandising plays a key role in introducing a brand, so retail stores provide a huge platform to introduce a brand before general public by using the technique of visual merchandising. The main objective designing the store layout is to give a feeling of a better lifestyle and to sell the products of fashion those appeals to the senses of the buyer. At retail store things are not to be kept only in Storage racks, they are to sell so all the arrangements are done to increase the sales.

Factors that can increase the turnover of the store

  The store décor can create buzz among the buyers to come and discover the new things added in their well known brand. If the correct measures are taken the store can prove a great source of revenue, at U.AE. All is done to increase the buyer’s confidence that is very crucial to increase the sales of retail business that contribute a huge share to the economy. The redesigning of the store not only the change the outlook of a store but it gives a new look and impression to its buyers. Redesigning is essential; it brings a positive change not only in environment but also in the minds of the buyers. Retail business can add worth to our lifestyle.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Retail store—a piece of creativity

Every day I have a new spirit, everyday I think of doing some new activity. Every day I wish to dress up in a new way and visit some new places. But why I think so, because I wish to make my day special, I wish to explore the beauty spreads around me. The place I just love to visit is not fully laden with the array of flowers across the fountain, no; I don’t wish to visit such places. Being a human of 21st century I am habitual of visiting the shopping malls, supermarkets, and retail store for which U.A.E is famous worldwide. Yes, in U.A.E and Sharjha people just come to visit these mega super markets full of renowned brand where you can find everything from the every corner of the world.

The idea of super store is inspired by the concept of Globalization

U.A.E is getting famous for these super departmental sore, but this is not only the condition of U.A.E. In every country you can see the chain of world’s renowned superstore. Certainly this is the influence of Global village that has merged the world in a village and this retail store is the second episode of this global concept. These retail stores have a great share in the economy of a country. Thus revitalizing the branding as well as advertising concept, we can say it business expansion across the boundaries of the countries. When I visit LULU hypermarket I just amazed by the product management and the mega structure they have designed to make an abode for all the best world’s renowned brands.

Outstanding features of mega stores

I think the most inspiring feature of such markets is supermarket shelving and refrigeration. It was quite surprising for me to preserve and store the food items on such a big scale. Everything from vegetables to chocolates and ice-cream are fresh and buds trickling, well this is a complete system providing refrigeration facility to the food items. Managing store food items on such a huge level needs appreciation. Well, it’s not done yet; when I walk around I find accessories for daily use with different brand names, is assorted in the supermarket equipments in such a way that these are visible to every spectator. Each store layout is telling its own story, with colors, lights and frequent space these hypermarkets has turned the shopping into a real joy.

What is remarkable in stores?

Customer interaction is more important in this new type of business. The store designing is all about to measure the sales turnover at each step. Here is Industrial racking  for customer’s convenience so that they do not take pains of holding the items in their hands. These stores not only appeal to people of elite classes but these stores are an open invitation for the people of all classes. Everybody can shop here; here is everything for the people of all age-groups. Those who are brand conscious can find every brand in the hypermarkets of UA.E. This is how hypermarkets and superstore has made the shopping a real fun. As if you are on the world tour and are getting familiar with the specialty of each country, here at superstore.
The super stores have given the rise of new Marketing trends such as visual merchandising that has revolutionize the entire concept of commercial marketing. The store image created by using light effects increase the visibility of the products and increased the chances of buying product at the spot. so retailing has taken shopping at the level of idealization worldwide.